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The Berkshire Botanical Garden’s Herb Associates began in 1957 when three women who loved and grew herbs — Gertrude Burdsall, Emily Rose, and Amy Bess-Miller — decided to make and sell herbal products to benefit the Garden.

plants growing in dirt/Stephen Weeks on Unsplash

Soil testing and "balanced" fertilizers: Are you poisoning your soil?

Some facts about fire blight and tips for how to manage it.

A history of mulch, and a better alternative.

How native annuals can benefit your garden's ecosystem.

It's asparagus and rhubarb time! Start checking for spider mites! And Ron reminds us: Don't forget Mom on Mother's Day!

Your weekly tick warnings! Plus horseradish root management, seedlings and a celebration of Arbor Day!

field of corn stalks

As a horticulturist, I was taught to be a plant connoisseur. Joseph Lofthouse of Paradise, Utah, recently changed the way I think about my Sandisfield garden.


Watch out for Eastern Tent Caterpillars! And do everything on Ron's list of weekly tasks! Or you can play golf instead.

It's (finally) time to get your cool-season crops in the ground! Ron's got the scoop on what you can plant now. Also, who loves potatoes as much as he does?

Gary Bendig/Unsplash - rabbit in a field of grass

Peter Rabbit had it coming? I recently drew a storm of condemnation from Facebook members when I reacted to a much-delayed obituary in the New York Times for the great children’s books author Beatrix Potter.

More about tomato seedlings. It's moving day for plants! And is it time to think about Fall? Self-proclaimed "curmudgeon" Ron Kujawski shares this week's tips and tricks.

Berkshire Botanical Garden’s 2024 Art/Garden series continues with “Re-Rooted,” an exhibition featuring the drawings of Brooklyn-based artist Ellen Driscoll, who takes her inspiration from the resilience and regenerative power of plants.

Do you have a crocus protection plan? Why start tomato seeds indoors now? What are you going to do about spores? Who doesn't like walking on eggshells? Ron Kujawski shares this week's tips and tricks.

Berkshire Botanical Garden presented the art exhibition “BBG Creativity Unleashed,” from March 29 through April 12, in our Leonhardt Galleries.

Honey bees aren't the only things awakening. Busy gardeners are all abuzz. Here's your To-Do list — and your Don't-Do list — for the week.

Ron Kujawski says that all those forced hardy bulbs still have life in them yet — and so do all those survivors of the holidays. Also it's seed-starting time. It's deer tick time, too. And why is repotting houseplants like changing your engine oil?

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