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Science of Plant Propagation

Saturday, January 7, 2023 to Sunday, January 8, 2023

Berkshire Botanical Garden

Learn the art and science of plant propagation with Adam Wheeler, container production and horticulture manager at Broken Arrow Nursery. Adam will focus on the basic botany needed to understand and successfully propagate plants. Sexual and asexual propagation methods — including sowing seeds, cuttings, grafting, layering, and division — will be covered. Students will discover the fascinating science behind propagation along with the various techniques used to create new plants. Please pack a lunch.

Adam Wheeler started working with plants at Broken Arrow Nursery in 2004 after earning his bachelor’s degree in urban forestry and landscape horticulture at the University of Vermont. His favorite role at Broken Arrow is plant propagation and the acquisition and development of new plants. Adam is a past recipient of the Young Nursery Professional Award from the New England Nursery Association and is the current vice president of the North American Maple Society. He loves to share his passion for plants through photography and educational outreach. As a result, he lectures widely on a variety of subjects and is also an adjunct lecturer at Naugatuck Valley Community College and the Berkshire Botanical Garden. With his spare time he enjoys cultivating his eclectic collection of rare and unusual plants, rock climbing and competitive giant pumpkin growing. 

Need help paying for this class? Berkshire Botanical Garden, through the generous support of our students, provides financial aid. Please fill out the application here.  

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