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It's not just the bees that are buzzing during the summer months at BBG. Everywhere you turn you'll find activity during all times of the day: children running around at camp, visitors on our daily tours, students engaged in classes, community members doing sunset yoga on the lawn, painting students set up with their easels, and many more. There's something for everyone. Whether you're visiting for a day or the whole summer, learning opportunities abound here at BBG. 

Contact us if you are an EBT, WIC, or ConnectorCare Card Holder interested in purchasing a ticket for one of these programs with a 50% discount for the Card-holder.


Program Calendar

Saturday, Feb 1 to Saturday, Feb 22
This sequence of classes, taught by Duncan Himmelman on Zoom, is suited to gardeners of all levels, from novice to experienced. Sign up for individual classes or the whole series which run Saturdays, Feb. 1 to Feb. 22, from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Series topics...
Friday, Feb 14 to Friday, Feb 28
This course, taught by Tom Ingersoll of Ingersoll Land Care, and held on Fridays, Feb. 14 through Feb. 28, from 1 to 5 p.m., is designed for those who might not necessarily be the first to climb 100 feet up a northern red oak or wrangle a chainsaw to fell...
Friday, Feb 21 to Sunday, Mar 23
The Bulb Show February 21 — March 23 Daily, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Our annual Bulb Show — a celebration of beauty, renewal and the magic of nature’s rhythms — is back, and it’s free and open to all. From Feb. 21 to approximately March 23, visit the Fitzpatrick...
Saturday, Feb 22
This class is part of the series titled Native Plants for Every Corner of the Garden taught by Duncan Himmelman. If you would like to register for the individual Native Plants for Container Gardens class on Saturday, Feb. 22, from 10 to 11:30 a.m., please...
Wednesday, Feb 26 to Wednesday, Apr 2
Bring your curiosity to participate in this six-week watercolor class with Pat Hogan on Wednesdays, Feb. 26 through April 2, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. We’ll stay warm and dry in the studio painting the Garden at rest, a welcome and well-earned respite from...
Thursday, Feb 27 to Thursday, Mar 20
This four-week course, held on Thursdays, Feb. 27 through March 20, from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m., will teach the skills required for beautiful and successful container gardens with Jenna O’Brien, owner of Viridissima Horticulture and Design. Get to know the...
Tuesday, Mar 4 to Tuesday, Apr 8
This course taught from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. and presented by Tyler Horsley, will introduce students to the design process — the systematic way designers approach a site and client. Learn design principles such as form, balance, repetition, line, texture,...
Friday, Mar 7 to Friday, Jun 6
Led by After Hours founder Kevin Kelly, this four-session series, held on the first Friday of the month from March 7 to June 6 from 5:00 to 7:30 p.m., is designed to bring excitement and invite curiosity about the culinary world. Through hands-on,...
Saturday, Mar 8
In this interactive talk on Saturday, March 8, from 1 to 3 p.m., Rob Gennari of Glendale Botanicals will include considerations such as seasonal water needs, temperature ranges, air movement from dry to wet periods, growing mediums, sun exposure,...
Saturday, Mar 15
Spring is a great time to assess woody shrubs for shape, structure and winter damage. The arborist Kieran Yaple will demonstrate how to renovate, rejuvenate and shape shrubs and small ornamental trees for structure, health and optimal growth on Saturday,...


Help Our Garden Grow!

Your donation helps us to educate and inspire visitors of all ages on the art and science of gardening and the preservation of our environment.

All Donations are 100% tax deductible.