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Family Fridays at BBG

Friday, June 20, 2025 to Friday, August 15, 2025

Berkshire Botanical Garden

Berkshire Botanical Garden’s 2025 summer family programming continues with “Family Fridays.” This series includes eight weeks of programs; presenters will encourage an innate curiosity in our natural world while promoting a deeper connection to the creative Berkshire landscape.

June 20: Drag of the Berkshires Story Hour

Bringing literacy and diversity to the Berkshires through dynamic storytelling! Drag Story Hour captures the imagination and playfulness of childhood and gives kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models. In spaces like this, kids can see people who defy rigid gender restrictions and imagine a world where everyone can be their authentic selves!

June 27th: Grumbling Gryphons performs Anantsi The Trickster Spider: A West African Folktale

In this performance, Anansi retrieves stolen stories from Nyame the Sky God by tricking the animals of the jungle and enlisting the help of the audience. Through pre-performance workshops, children become village dancers, monkeys, elephants, hippos, bees, crocodiles, spiders and more learning songs, chants and movements to perform in the show. 

July 11th: Animal Menagerie by Sharon Audubon

Animal life in its diversity is astounding! Join Sharon Audubon to learn about live birds, reptiles and insects. Learn about each group of animals as they compare the biology, behavior, ecology, and behavioral and physical adaptations of different animals.

July 18th - Terry A La Berry

Terry A La Berry, renowned drummer for folk legend Arlo Guthrie, brings his magical tunes to captivate young hearts and create lasting memories for your family. His interactive performances are filled with laughter, joy, and toe-tapping rhythms, making every show an immersive musical journey.

July 25th: The Hissing Booth

A unique, up-close-and-personal experience with snakes, reptiles and invertebrates. Learn about reptile physiology (what makes a reptile a reptile), specific fun facts about the invited species, both about their breeds and their individual personalities, how to care for them, and even some special notes about the animals with special needs.

August 1st: African Drumming with Tamarack Hollow

Drumming performances followed by hands-on drumming workshops for audience members!

August 8th: Willy Welch 

Willy is a children's entertainer, picture book author and recording artist who brings his songs/stories and puppets to the places where children spend their time and wherever the music calls!

August 15th: Show Up Kids 

An outrageous, critically acclaimed, interactive family comedy show for 3 to 10 year olds and their grownups. This interactive, semi-improvised family show puts a wildly comedic, theatrical twist on a traditional kids’ show. When the main attraction doesn’t show up, our hapless host enlists the help of the kids (and their grownups) to control everything from plot to props, characters to costumes, and settings to sound in a one-of-a-kind, 50-minute laughfest.

Family Fridays are free with Garden admission, and BBG members are admitted free of charge.

Family Fridays is partially underwritten by Toole Insurance - Acrisure

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All Donations are 100 percent tax deductible.