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What Linnaeus Saw: A Scientist’s Quest To Name Every Living Thing

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Berkshire Botanical Garden

This program has been cancelled.

Join Karen Beil, author of What Linnaeus Saw, through a true adventure story about an intriguing, world-renowned scientist who revolutionized the way we study plants and animals. The globetrotting naturalists of the 18th century were the plant geeks of their day. Foremost among them was Carl Linnaeus, a radical thinker who transformed biology. A medical doctor, botanist and enthusiastic professor in Sweden, he encouraged his devoted students to search the world for species. Now, more than ever, we need to learn about and value the world’s plants, animals, and habitats—both for the crucial roles they play in nature and for the benefits they provide to humankind. What Linnaeus Saw gives us a chance to examine the past and see what it can teach us for the future. A book sale and signing will follow the talk.

Karen Beil was born in Boston, MA, into a family of book lovers, herself studying magazine journalism and English literature at Syracuse University. She reveled in the romantic poets, Shakespeare, and Chaucer.. But her greatest influence was a science professor, an expert on inland aquatic ecosystems. Her first professional job came as a news reporter in Chicago and later as a writer and editor at the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, essentially translating the fascinating technical work of scientists and engineers into understandable English. 

Later, reading with her own young children, she began to write articles for children’s magazines including Ranger Rick and National Geographic World, and has since written several picture books as well as a mid-grade nonfiction about wildfire. Karen splits her time between Albany, NY,and Cape Cod, MA, with her husband Jim, a forester. They love to hike and go snowshoeing.

Advance registration is highly recommended, but walk-ins are welcome, space permitting.

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