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Kantner’s show, “Volumes,” featuring nearly two dozen of her works, runs in the Leonhardt Galleries from Jan. 20 through Feb. 26.

What's all this work going on here at BBG this winter? The construction of an innovative and artful building will serve as the new heart of our popular Farm in the Garden Camp.

We're not talking about that sweet beverage you find at roadside stands in the fall, but rather that fermented beverage, what we would today call “hard cider.” 

A bumper crop of talented and generous tree workers went out a limb on Dec. 6. Thank you to all of the arborists and tree specialists who volunteered for Berkshire Botanical Garden’s annual Arborist Day.

The color and life birds bring to my landscape are among the greatest joys of my gardening. Admittedly, I don’t know much about what I am seeing. That’s in the process of changing.

Our notions of beauty and responsibility are ... evolving, to say the least. Welcome to the great transition!

My attitude toward these insects has evolved yet again! Here's why.

The Netherlands is not just the land of tulips; it’s also the land that has much to teach about sustainability.

“Fanfare” features works by John Thompson. “The basis for my work is landscapes where I choose specific moments and small elements as my focus,” said Thompson, based in Waltham, Mass.

“I call BBG ‘my garden,’” says Jackie, who has been a BBG student and steadfast volunteer dating back to the early 1990s. She delights in sharing Berkshire Botanical Garden with others. During the season, she leads tours for visitors. Her BBG tours have become the gold standard. 

Fall is the best time to plant a tree partly due to the physiology of trees. Our columnist, Thomas Christopher, explains.

There is magic in this process. You sow a seemingly inanimate object in the soil, and from it springs new life, a green shoot. After more than 50 years as a gardener, this still thrills me every time.

Rather than trying to persuade lawn owners to dig it up, maybe we'd be more successful in encouraging them toward the residual lawns’ transformation.

In looking ahead to next spring, our columnist Thomas Christopher is exploring an alternative to Dutch bulb suppliers: our own native North American spring ephemerals.

Appropriately, the work of art that’s generating some of the most buzz at BBG’s multi-part “Symbiosis” art exhibition is a stunning piece called “Neter,” made from beeswax, honey and propolis. Meet LeRone Wilson.

The young gardeners were ready for work, yes. But they also packed bathing suits and towels as a retort to a forecast of fierce August humidity.

A full 55 years ago, Susan was first introduced to Berkshire Botanical Garden, an institution upon which she has come to rely, and not just for salad dressing. BBG has been a brain trust for all things horticultural and an epicenter of endearing friendships. 

Treading lightly out upon a verdant field of tender shoots, they had their fingers crossed. The news is (mostly) excellent.

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