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The Garden in Pastel
Berkshire Botanical Garden
Learn how to capture the splendor of the Garden with the deep pigments that can only be found with pastels. This class is appropriate for beginners to intermediate students. A materials list will be provided upon registration. Students will work en plein air, learning the fundamentals of this medium before using it to render the late summer garden in all its glory.
Cheryl Moore is an artist and educator who specializes in watercolor and oil pastel. With more than 40 years of teaching experience working with children and adults, she holds a BA from Rhode Island School of Design and has trained in botanical art with Janet Walsh, Charles Reid and Jack Flynn.
Please note that financial aid is available for all BBG classes. Use this link and please read the instructions carefully. Or contact Director of Education Bridgette Stone at
All supplies are from (They have the BEST prices. Highly recommend) Or consider a local art store like Miller’s, Michael’s or JWS.
Please note there is a wide range of quality among pastel sets and three options are listed below to meet various budgets. You should bring only one set of pastels
- OK pastel set: SOHO brand stick Pastels set of set of 48 or set of 72
- BETTER pastel set: Rembrandt brand. half stick set 15 or half stick set 30
- BEST: NuPastel stick set of 24 or set of 36
- PAPER: Only- CANSON Mi-Tientes Touch Sanded PASTEL PAD 9”x 12” Assorted Colors
- Black and white pastel pencils
- White soft eraser. FACTIS is best
- Bring simple landscape or botanical photos. We can also take photos. Some will be provided.
- ‘hand guard’ cream if worried about pastel dust
- Drawing board (optional)
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