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Frelinghuysen Shade Border

Frelinghuysen Shade Border

This border, honoring Beatrice Procter Frelinghuysen, a longtime supporter and trustee of the Garden, is shaded by maturing trees and planted with shade-tolerant perennials. As is often the case with perennials, the flowering time of each plant can be brief, so interesting and long-lasting foliage is of the utmost importance. In this border, flowers are used primarily as an accent to the tapestry of different leaves.

Season-Long Splendor

Plants that remain eye-catching both in and out of bloom are the key to the season-long beauty of this border. Variegated or colorful foliage, contrasting leaf shapes and textures, and a range of heights and plant forms all contribute to this garden's visual appeal. Perennials and shrubs with vibrant fall color add interest later in the season.

When planning any garden, it's important to understand how plants impact one another. Competition for water is a key consideration. Although the copper beech at the back of this border (Fagus sylvatica 'Purpurea') is mesophytic (requiring an average amount of water), it needs nearly twice the water of many drought-resistant oaks. So, while drought-tolerant shade plants may get the amount of water they need growing under this beech, other shade perennials and shrubs may not be able to compete with this tree for water.

Did You Know?

Plants create food for themselves, which is why they are the foundation of the food chain. Their green leaves use sunlight to transform water and carbon dioxide into carbohydrates, such as sugar. This process (photosynthesis) also releases the oxygen we breathe. Many shade plants have large leaves. Their big surface absorbs more light, so the plants can produce sufficient food even without bright sunlight. Shade-loving plants also tend to have darker leaves, which helps them absorb even more light.

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