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Farm to Table, July 14

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Join chef and author Miriam Rubin for this Farm-to-Table cooking class series. In this once-a-month series, from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., participants will work with the BBG’s vegetable garden to harvest fresh vegetables, then will head into the kitchen with Miriam to make a multi-course meal. 

July 14: Celebrate cucumbers, fresh onions, zucchini, summer squash, and beans, such as Dragon’s Tongue and Amethyst. We’ll whip up a refreshing cold soup with summer squash and herbs, and make dilly beans or another easy refrigerator pickle. For the main event, chicken salad with a snappy herb dressing and gorgeous pink celery, a special treat from the Garden. A blueberry galette for dessert, perhaps with sour cherries.

Miriam Rubin was the first woman to work in the kitchens of New York City’s famed Four Seasons Restaurant. A food writer, avid gardener and tomato grower, she wrote a cookbook about tomatoes, her favorite vegetable (really a fruit). For many years she wrote the “Miriam’s Garden” column for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. A contributor to Edible Berkshires, her work has appeared in many other publications including Organic Gardening. She and her husband, the artist David J. Lesako, live in Ghent, N.Y. 

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