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Farm to Table, June 9
Berkshire Botanical Garden
Join chef and author Miriam Rubin for this Farm-to-Table cooking class series. In this once-a-month series, from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., participants will work with the BBG’s vegetable garden to harvest fresh vegetables, then will head into the kitchen with Miriam to make a multi-course meal.
June 9: June brings us beets, sweet peas, greens, garlic scapes, green garlic and sweet strawberries. We’ll quickly pickle some beets for a salad. Planned is a casserole or savory pie or an easy hand pie with Swiss chard, green garlic and feta. Strawberries will star in our dessert.
Miriam Rubin was the first woman to work in the kitchens of New York City’s famed Four Seasons Restaurant. A food writer, avid gardener and tomato grower, she wrote a cookbook about tomatoes, her favorite vegetable (really a fruit). For many years she wrote the “Miriam’s Garden” column for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. A contributor to Edible Berkshires, her work has appeared in many other publications including Organic Gardening. She and her husband, the artist David J. Lesako, live in Ghent, N.Y.
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