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Growing Nut Trees

Saturday, February 26, 2022


Learn the basics of seedling nut tree propagation and understand techniques such as air pruning and stratification. Explore the world of tree crops and discover the amazing diversity of nuts that can be grown in the Northeast. 


Emerson Martin is the Farm Director at Arthur's Point Farm in Ghent, NY. Emerson is a biodynamic farmer, environmental designer, and horticulturist. He grew up in the Southern Berkshires on a small dairy goat farm and homestead. From a young age Emerson has been a student of nature, drawing upon natural systems as inspiration in his design work. In 2015 his study of biodynamic agriculture landed him in New York’s Hudson Valley. Soon after, he and his wife, Elizabeth, founded Woven Stars Farm, a diversified multi-species livestock farm in the fields and woodlands of Ghent, NY. In 2019, Emerson began working on the development of a project to bring more tree-based agriculture into the region, which has evolved into the launch of Arthur’s Point Farm, where he focuses on plant propagation, eco-design projects, and working with colleagues to develop new models in perennial agriculture systems.


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