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Invasives: Plants and Insects
Berkshire Botanical Garden
Taught by Jen Werner of Springfield Technical Community College, this four-week course will be held on Saturdays, Jan. 11 through Feb. 1, from 9 a.m. to noon. Learn about how and why pests become invasive, the governmental agencies and working groups that help determine an organism's "invasive status" and the regulations around controlling their spread. Participants will learn strategies to stay abreast of new invasive introductions and how to think about choosing the best techniques to avoid, prevent or control invasive species at your particular site or situation. The course also includes a review of general concepts regarding pest control strategies, pest life cycles and clues to identify pest types.
Jen Werner has taught at the vocational high school level at Springfield Technical Community College, as well as leading trainings for Master Gardeners and classes for garden clubs and garden centers. Her hands-on experience ranges from landscape maintenance, construction and design, greenhouse management and production, nursery work, horticulture therapy, and entrepreneurship. Jen is a NOFA Certified Organic Landcare Professional and recently earned a UMASS Invasive Plant Management Certificate.
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