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Landscape Design I

Tuesday, March 9, 2021 to Wednesday, April 21, 2021

In-person class at BBG

This seven-part course will introduce students to the design process—the systematic way designers approach a site and client. Taught by landscape architect and fine artist David Dew Bruner, this course will include a series of simple projects, ending with a garden designed by the students. Learn design principles such as form, balance, repetition, line, texture, color and spatial relationships. Additionally, students will be introduced to history and how it helps the designer resolve and inspire garden design. As the adage goes, we cannot escape our history, so we have to understand where we came from.

David Dew Bruner, A.S.L.A., is an award-winning landscape architect and fine artist with over 35 years of experience ranging from Deputy Administrator of New York City’s Riverside Park to amusement park design, historical restoration and all scales of residential design. Originally from New Orleans, he has a B.L.A. and a B.F.A. from LSU as well as an M.L.A. from the University of Massachusetts.

Advance registration is required.

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