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Landscape Design II
Berkshire Botanical
This course meets for 10 weeks
Learn skills essential for functional garden design that honor the site and meet client needs. Led by Chuck Schnell and Walter Cudnohufsky, this course will cover a different topic or technique focusing on the importance of getting to know the client and site as a basis of effective and appealing design. Essential and easy-to-grasp design principles will be introduced throughout the course, with a form-finding approach to garden design. Acquire the vocabulary essential for assessing a property’s potential and problems, and the right questions to realize a client’s wishes while avoiding common design mistakes. Learn how to make well-considered and sustainable choices for the elements and materials commonly used in the residential-scale garden. Students will complete a instructor-provided project and take it from creative concept to completed design plan, including site assessment diagrams, conceptual sketches and schematic drawings. Each class will involve instruction and evaluation of projects in progress. Group discussions and exercises will put theory into action. Students will make a formal presentation at the final class with the primary goal of conveying a coherent design narrative and process leading to proposed solutions.
Need help paying for this class? Berkshire Botanical Garden, through the generous support of our students, provides financial aid. Please fill out the application here.
Instructor Chuck Schnell has a bachelor’s degree and master’s degree in landscape design. He works in planning and design for Walter Cudnohufsky Associates in Ashfield, Mass. He is a recipient of the Garden Club of America McLaren Fellowship to study abroad. He has strong knowledge of ornamental plants, landscape design and construction.
Guest Instructor Walter Cudnohufsky is founder and 20-year director of the nationally acclaimed Conway School of Landscape Design. His firm is engaged in diverse planning and design projects throughout the region.
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