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Sourdough Starter

Saturday, November 2, 2024

Berkshire Botanical Garden

There’s so much mysticism on how to make a sourdough starter, but the reality is that it only takes two ingredients and a little patience. This hands-on class, led by Brandon Cochran, will take place on Saturday, Nov. 2, from 10 a.m. to noon. The class offers a simple and effective approach to making a healthy and active sourdough starter by walking you through each step of the process. The process might initially sound intimidating, but we promise the journey is worth it.

Brandon Cochran started Sourdough Brandon (@sourdoughbrandon) to help home bakers create naturally leavened, sourdough bread and baked goods using detailed recipes and visual guides. Learn more at

Attendees will leave with active sourdough starter that they will feed in the class. Please bring a small, clean glass jar with a lid (such as a pint-size mason jar) and a small spatula or spoon to stir your starter. Flour, water, and sourdough starter will be provided.


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